lesson plans

A couple Mondays ago, I caught myself looking for a way out of a conversation.

You know the kind? Someone ages ago scheduled a call for today and now that today’s here it’s not really a good day for a call.

I was busy. I had deadlines and kids to pick up. What was I doing on this call?

When this happens, when I start looking for the exit, a little voice pings from inside my head:

“Everyone has something they can teach you. If you think they don’t, you are doing it wrong.”

I don’t know if I read this or someone said it to me. It’s one of those things that lives in my brain and makes itself known in moments like these. It’s like a little hobbit head poking around a corner to remind me of something important.

“Ask’em a question, you dumbass.”

I don’t get it right every time. I dash off calls and scramble my mouse for the Exit button on Zoom.

And yet when I listen to the hobbit head, I usually learn something new.

Customer calls. Sales pitches. Networking events. Everyone has something to teach.

Listen to the hobbit. Ask questions and look to learn, even when all you want to do is run for the End Meeting for All button.



PS: This is really a note to my younger self. I hope it’s helpful for you too. If it’s not (and I should just keep a private journal instead) will you reply and let me know?

Target Burn

Short, daily emails from a friend in the trenches. I’ll share what works and what doesn’t as we build Accoil Analytics, a B2B SaaS company.Each email 500 words or less. Each one based on the planning, execution, and reflection of growing a B2B SaaS company in a competitive market.

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